Bunkering Tanker-1996 Turkey

Can develop for sale Bunkering Tanker

flag:Great Britain

dwat:2,366 on 5.1 m draft

blt:96-02′ Rota in Turkey

class:LR dd next:03-19 cs (m):02-21 ss next:02-21

loa:76.65 m beam:12.2 m lbp:70 m displ:3,200 ts

gt:1,476 nt:592

tanks:10, 2,176 cbm, coated, stst coiled at +60 °c

ballast:sbt 638 cbm

cm:0.2 cm diam., 38 m bow to manifold


Double Hull

pumps:280 cbm, 2 total, 3 OFF. 900 TONNES

10.0 kn on 3.5 ts mgo

engine: 1 x Alpha – 6L23/30 749 kw at rpm 825

bowthruster vrs cls

fitted with blend facility and flow metres

Offers inv

as is UK
