RORO Cargo/Passenger for sale


996GT Enclosed Roro Ship is available for sale 

She is being registered/operated as roro cargo ship but she has passenger

 space for around 270pax 

+ Ship’s particulars

 Name of Ship : NO.3 MIRAE

 Type of Ship : Enclosed Roro Ship

 Built : Apr. 2011 / Korea

 Class : KR(Korean Register) / Coastal

 Gross Tonnage : 996ton

 LOA/Breadth/Depth/Draft : 59.816m / 12.00m / 2.85m / 2.40m

 LDT/DWT : 668ton / 362ton

 Main Engine : MITSUBISHI / S6R2-MTK2L / 940PS x 1400RPM x 2Set

 Generator : DAEWOO(DOOSAN) / AD136TS / 170PS x 1800RPM x 2Set

 Speed : Max. 13.0kts / Serv. 11.0kts

 Fuel Consumption : 190Ltrs/Hour at Serv. Speed

 Complement : 12persons

 Passenger Capacity : 176Pax(Seat) + 1 Tatamy style room(around 100pax)

 Vehicle Capacity

   46 x Small Passenger Car

   7 x 25Ton Truck

   11 x 6m3 Mixer Truck

 Clear height for vehicle on car deck : abt 4.20m

 Ramp : Bow

 Public space : Crew Mess Room

 Last DD/SS : Feb. 2019 / June 2016

+ Location : Incheon, Korea
+ Photo of ship

All details given in good faith but without guarantee.

Pleased  to  hear  if  of  interests
